A Message from Founder – Trey Etheridge

Four years ago, four men came together in my living room and decided “enough was enough.” We weren’t really about who we were as Christian men and the spiritual leaders' God called us to be. We confessed sins we had hidden for years to each other; many thought we might not ever be forgiven because of what occurred. Through His Holy Spirit and our brotherhood, a cleansing and healing process began that brought us closer to HE, who lives inside us. We started growing in the knowledge of Jesus, who he is, what he did, and how we changed the day we believed in His blood.
Today we are known as MPACT Ministries (Men Passionate About Christ); a Christian men's group. Through our multi-level platform, with our message of God’s unconditional grace, EVEN in our imperfections.
Your partnership helps us with our mission of sharing the gospel with men as they deal with serious life issues -via our groups, virtual meetings, social media, events, conferences, and our website.
MPACT Ministries mission is simple; helping men experience God’s unconditional grace with a message of Just Jesus, one brother at a time. (In the spirit of Jesus’ own brother; James 5:16).
If you have any questions about our ministry’s mission, please contact me directly. I’d love to share how He helped me understand WHO I am, how Jesus has helped our brothers overcome their past, and how we can help so many others grow in the knowledge of WHO they are in Christ and be set FREE. That might even be you.
MPACTministries.org is a resource for men to come to for revelation, daily verses, and men "getting real."
Peace and prayers,