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Charitable Partners
MPACT proudly supports the following organizations through your gifts.  

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CITA focuses on teaching men how to live a victorious life according to the Word of God, while achieving educational, vocational, occupational, and personal goals in order to become self-reliant and independent.  We ask for your prayers and partnership in supporting our residents along their journey to becoming the men God has called them to be.

Our purpose is to provide safe welcoming, compassionate care for our clients, and relief and education to their caregivers. BAFI is organized to serve this purpose in two ways: Adult Day Health Care (Joe’s Club); and Alzheimer’s Service Center providing respite, counseling, and education.

Our organization is fully focused on serving both the client and the caregiver and is involved through the care process…from early detection to care after detection and everything in between.

CalledOut is a nonprofit organization founded by 3 Professional, Educated, Christian women devasted by the ongoing, horrendous crime of sex trafficking.

This Multi-Billion Dollar Industry exists in our own backyard as Florida ranks #3 in the nation for hotline calls.  As the facts publicly unfolded, it no longer became acceptable to look the other way!

     We are CalledOut to make a difference!

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The RILO Foundation raises awareness for depression, suicide and suicide prevention.  Named after Riley Estes, who unfortunately took his own life this year, this foundation supports education to family members to recognize signs of depression and provides counselling and support to help them heal

See RILEY"S story here and make a donation

RILO Foundation | Loyalty Above All

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